"Becoming an affiliated borrower means you can invest in real estate without searching for capital."
Get Funding
If you’re tired of searching for capital for your next deal, tired of completing endless paperwork for lenders and tired of dealing with moving targets and changing requirements from banks, then you are in the right place.
We are not a bank or traditional lender. We are a private debt fund that lends based on the asset, not the individual. Whether you are a seasoned professional who has years in real estate or you're just starting out with a few deals under your belt, we have a solution for your. Stop thinking that there has to be a better easier way and get enrolled in the affilaited program today.
Becoming an affiliated borrower means you can invest in real estate without searching for capital. Find properties knowing that you have the funding to take them down. Scale your business knowing that you have access to capital to take down large deals.
Stop the Madness!
1. Stop the hustle and grind and start to attract and allow
2. Stop listing to novices and work with experts
3. Stop searcing for capital and start getting deals funded
4. Stop using banks with 20-25% down and start using capital wisely
5. Stop using hard money with bad terms and get "smart terms" today
Our goal is to help you scale your business using asset based debt. Our systems and safeguards serve as a launch pad to success. Learn from our team of in-house operators how to stabalize quickly, build equity fast and find permanent debt seamlessly.
1. Every deal is underwritten by lenders that understand real estate
2. Every deal is analyzed by seasoned in-house operators that have real world experience in real estate
3. Every borrower is vetted and involved with the Affiliated Capital Partner network
4. Every deal is structered with safe guards allowing ACG to step in on a consultancy basis if the deal starts to underperform
5. Every deal can be taken over by ACG if perfmornace milestones are not met
We are here to invest in Main Street, not Wall Street and we do that by faciliating the boots on the ground that employ members of their community and have a desire to make a difference.

